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當前位置 > 首頁 > 行業資訊 > 新聞 > INTEGRA:免費ASSIST PLUS + D-ONE套裝等你來贏!


瀏覽次數:2865 發布日期:2022-10-8  來源:INTEGRA

為您的實驗室贏取一份包含D-ONE單通道移液模塊的INTEGRA ASSIST PLUS套裝
INTEGRA Biosciences的下一場活動現已正式開啟。該公司將送出一整套ASSIST PLUS移液工作站禮包,其中包含一臺D-ONE單通道移液模塊。
創新的ASSIS PLUS移液工作站可以優雅地實現重復任務的自動化,提高您的實驗室通量。D-ONE單通道移液模塊是這款移液工作站的完美擴展,可完成免手動的單個樣品轉移。只需將D-ONE或任意一款INTEGRA電動移液器安裝到ASSIST PLUS上并選擇程序,即可實現全流程的自動化并得到出色結果。這種裝置組合可以簡化日常移液任務,從而消除身體勞損,提供卓越的可重復性,并確保處理過程不出差錯。

只需在2022年12月31日前填寫INTEGRA的問卷,即可獲得贏取ASSIST PLUS的機會。
欲了解關于INTEGRA的更多信息,請訪問https://www.integra-biosciences.com 。

About INTEGRA Biosciences
INTEGRA Biosciences (https://www.integra-biosciences.com) is a leading provider of high-quality laboratory tools and consumables for liquid handling and media preparation. The company is committed to creating innovative solutions which fulfil the needs of its customers in research, diagnostics and quality control within the life sciences markets and medical sector. Today, INTEGRA innovative laboratory products are widely used all around the world. More than 100 distribution partners form a worldwide sales network providing responsive and competent services to customers. These distribution partners are supported by a highly motivated and experienced team of specialists at the company headquarters in Zizers, Switzerland and Hudson, NH, USA. INTEGRA is an ISO 9001 certified company.
相關公司:INTEGRA Biosciences AG

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